Vitae Cyclum
I am inspired by choral works. From Bach to Whitacre, the arrangement and performance of music through voice seems to be the most authentic and pure, especially when sung a Capella.
Vitae Cyclum is a collection of choral works with intermixed Latin phrases to allow the listener to focus on the complex yet meditative harmonies like an instrumental. These pieces are about the symmetry and cycles found in life, from birth to graduation to aging to re-birth. The imagery that comes to mind throughout these compositions is one of twilight and stars.
Vitae Cyclum
Amor Vincit Omnia - Premiere
Lakeland University Choir
About Sacred Choral Works
Mass of Reverence, Hail Mary Prayer
I am moved by sacred choral music. It can elevate one beyond the physical world, and is it exciting to see people from around the world enjoy this work (from India, Philippines, Nigeria, Australia, United Kingdom, and the United States - thank you).
The Mass of Reverence was my first choral project which I created around a Catholic Mass setting. Assembly and choral sheet music is currently available at no charge.
Mass of Reverence
Listen to Mix
1. Kyrie (I, II, III) (0:00) 2. Gloria (1:41) 3. Gospel Acclamation (3:51) 4. Lenten Gospel Acclamation (4:59) 5. Holy Holy Holy (6:22) 6. We Proclaim Your Death (7:14) 7. When We Eat This Bread (7:43) 8. Save Us, Savior (8:11) 9 Doxology and Great Amen (8:41) 10. Lord’s Prayer (9:38) 11. Lamb of God (11:35) | 12. Hail Mary (13:03) (as a prelude or postlude - see next section for the full version)
Music: Tom Palof ©2015; Text: Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.